Disability league not on their own

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The University of Sydney Rugby League Football Club and the NSW Physical Disability Rugby League have entered into an exciting new alliance commencing in the 2017 season.

The partnership will see SURLFC as the naming rights sponsor of a range of awards, including ‘Most Improved Player” and “Encouragement Award” for the Physical Disability League competition.

President of Sydney University Rugby League Football Club, Chris Kintis, said SURLFC has long been committed to fostering an all-inclusive and collegiate sporting environment.

“I’m keen to see the disability league become more involved,” he said. “I think both teams can learn a lot from each other and opportunities to train together such as this are important in promoting greater participation in rugby league.

“I understand that participation rates in sport of people with a disability tapers off around mid to late teenage years. The NSW Physical Disability Rugby League gives both adults and children with disabilities the opportunity to learn and stay involved in a game they love.”

Former Chairman and Associate Founder George Tonna said rugby league is one of the most popular sports in NSW, so kids and adults with disability want the opportunity to play the game just like their peers.

“Life is about opportunities and learning from them, and it’s amazing what confidence can be gained when given the opportunity to play our great game,” Mr Tonna said.

“We are really excited to be partners with the University of Sydney and look forward to promoting our sport.

“SURLFC approached us to get this partnership up and running which is a real credit to the club. It is going to be a great partnership and we’re looking forward to the future together.”

 Mr Tonna said training, playing and, indeed, any physical exercise leads to enhanced general health both physically and mentally and is linked to reduced depression, stress and anxiety.

“These are issues that affect the whole of society and are not restricted simply to people with a physical disability,” he said.

Both organisations aim to remove any negative perceptions of people with a physical disability and to focus on actual abilities of the playing group.

“SURLFC is looking forward to building a long relationship with the NSW PDRLA,” Mr Kintis said. “This is a really exciting partnership that will enable the NSW PDRLA to grow and create more opportunities. Our club is proud of its work in the community and a big part of that is inclusion, which this partnership fosters.

“We really look forward to working with the NSW Physical Disability team to help increase the awareness of opportunities for people with physical disabilities to play.”

Further information:

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.susf.com.au/page/rugby_league.html

Facebook: Sydney University Rugby League Football Club

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.nswpdrla.com.au

Facebook: NSW Physical Disability Rugby League
